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Artistic Director / Choreographer of  the Natya Kalalayam Academy of Music & Dance

"Courage does not always roar, Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying - I will try again tomorrow"

"It is Culture that gives us true identity, stay in and you will inevitably succeed" - Kantharuby Munsamy

Vision for SAIDA - "Talent wins games but teamwork wins championships and leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others"

Kantharuby was born in a family steeped in culture in South Africa. She was exposed to Dance at a tender age of 3 and had received accolades from far and wide. At a early age she proceeded to India and was privileged to learn (Bharatha Natyam) under renowned Gurus. KN Pakkiriswamy Pillay, K N Dandayudapani Pillay, Guru Gopi Krishna - Mumbai (Kathak). Her Arangetram took place at the Rasika Ranjani Sabha Mylapore - Chennai. She is the Artistic Director / Choreographer of the Natya Kalalayam Academy of Music & Dance whom are celebrating 37 years of existence in South Africa. She travelled around the country spreading her knowledge and simultaneously made many trips to India on a regular basis to learn the different forms of Folk Dances of India. She has spread her wings around S.A teaching these dance forms Her classes are in PMBurg Durban & Johannesburg making the organisation a National Body. She has had Arangetrams for over 30 students and has been on the panel of Adjudication for Competitions for many many years in South Africa. She is one of the Judges on the Panel for the Hiddenidols Competition a U.K based group in association with Chennai that provides a platform to recognize and honour hidden talents worldwide. Her crowning glory of her life was when her little daughter Yshrene at the age of 8 left to India and spent many years at Kalakshetra and with various other great masters perfecting the Art of Bharatha Natyam. 

Together they have choreographed Dance Dramas which have toured India twice round namely : Nelson Mandelas Freedom Struggle, The story of The Lion King, Dasavatharam, Sathyagraha and most recently Skanda etc. Their performances have been received with standing ovations around the Provinces of South Africa, Lusaka, Zambia, Botswana, Mauritius & London. They had the priviledge of choreographing together with Madurai R Muralidharan and Chithra Muralidharan the Sivagamiyin Sabadham Dance Drama with over 70 of their students for the year 2015 in South Africa.

The present Highlight of the Academy is the FUSION DANCING A presentation of Indian Classical Bharatha Natyam inter-acting with Traditional Tribal Zulu Dancers and she has been the founder of the I’stimela Dance Festival, which is a Multi Cultural Presentation, having celebrated 10 years in Pietermaritzburg.

Her twin sons Nireshan & Niveshan have also been awarded Scholarships through Indian Council for Cultural Relations for Carnatic Music in Chennai and Niveshan is presently learning the Art of Kuchipudi Dance in India under Guru Kishore Mosalikanthi . He is an outstanding Kathak Graduate as well having had his training under Guru Manesh Maharaj and Bharatha Natyam under his sister Natya Sudhamayi Srimathi Yshrene Moodley and his talented mum Srimathi Kantharuby.

The recent additiion to the family lineage,her 4 year old grand daughter Vaishnavi who was 3 years old when she appeared as the youngest in the cast of Sivagamiyin Sabatham.

Kantharuby has been priviledged to speak at many functions on various aspects of life, Womanhood, Hinduism and Dance. Her most recent appearance was with The Department of Science and Technology-National Research Foundation Centre in Indigenous Knowledge Systems (CIKS) in partnership with the eThekwini Municipal Institute of Learning (MILE) a colloquium on perspectives on womanhood from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds in eThekwini municipality which was held at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Westville Campus), when she spoke on Womanhood and Hinduism.

She was also recently nominated for the Prestigious SKISA Commendation award for her excellence and outstanding contribution in the arts by the President of SKISA South Africa.

Her students also had the honor of performing at the Civic Reception for the Prime Minister His Excellency Mr Narendra Modi at the Dbn City Hall 2016.

There are many awards which Kantharuby has received and has added to a rich cultural heritage in this country A family steeped in culture and knowledge of the Arts. Kantharubys inspiration was handed down to her by her dear Parents Mr & Mrs Moodley and now nurtured encouraged and supported by her talented husband Mr Collin Munsamy, a musician, vocalist and the strength behind this talented family.

Kantharuby's vision for Dance in South Africa has been one that she takes from Michael Josephson " People of character do the right thing even if no one else does, not because they think it will change the world but because they refuse to be changed by the world"

"Winning means you are willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else" - Vince Lombardi

"Courage does not always roar, Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying - I will try again tomorrow"

"It is Culture that gives us true identity, stay in and you will inevitably succeed" - Kantharuby Munsamy


Srimathi Yshrene Moodley


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